WSH Policy
Guan Lee Heng Contractor Pte Ltd and Guan Lee Heng Landscaping Pte Ltd is a provider in landscaping maintenance and design services. We take pride in providing the highest value and quality to our customers while maintaining the best interests of our employees and stakeholders.
The Management is committed in providing a safe and healthy working environment for every employee, sub-contractor, external provider and visitors to the workplace.
We are committed to prevent any injuries and ill-health and seek continuous improvement through the following strategies:
- Eliminating risks, preventing accidents and any near-misses where possible, and/or mitigating risks through risk assessment and take reasonably practicable measures which include:
- Introducing features to the WSH management system,
- Introducing control measures to address root causes of accidents,
- Introducing preventive measures to control particular hazards,
- Reduction of frequency of occurence of WSH incidents,
- Building strong WSH competencies of staff through training and education;
- Complying with legal and OHS requirements, which includes:
- Workplace Safety & Health (WSH) Act and its subsidiary legislations
- WSH (Risk Management) Regulations
- Environmental Pollution Control (Hazardous Substances) Regulations
- Fire Safety Act and its subsidiary legislations
- Approved Codes of Practices (ACOP) listed by MOM including Risk Management Code of Practice and Code of Practice for Working Safely at Heights
- Singapore Standard SS 506:2009 Occupational Safety and Health (OSH) Management Systems
- OHSAS18001 Occupational Health and Safety Management Systems
- CP 79:1999 Code of Practice for Safety Management System for Construction Worksites
- Engaging stakeholders by instilling ownership in the policy that is expected to represent their interests through communication, consultation and engagement programmes;
- Ensuring WSH responsibilities are clearly defined, delegated and communicated to all levels within the organisation;
- Ensuring WSH corporate social responsibilities are allocated with resources and intiatives to encompass as many individuals as possible within the organization;
- Reviewing and improving WSH performance regularly based on performance indicators, through management review and consultation with staff; and
- Continually improve business models, WSH considerations and initiatives and achieve greater effectiveness and sustainability for the near future.
Commitment to an Inclusive Workplace
We are committed to maintaining a work environment that is safe from harassment for all workers and employees. Everyone shall be treated with respect and dignity. No one shall be subject to any physical, psychological, verbal or sexual abuse. Employees should be culturally sensitive, tolerant and respectful towards each other, taking into consideration the workplace environment and Singapore’s multi-culturalism.
No one shall be subjected to retaliation or reprisal for reporting OHS and welfare matters, incidents, risks and opportunities for improvement, or speaking out against practices he or she believes is detrimental to the organization.
This policy extends to dealing with incidents involving external customers/stakeholders who conduct themselves in a manner that constitutes harassment of our workers and employees, within and beyond company premises.
Disciplinary Action
Retaliation or reprisal will not be condoned or tolerated. Managers and supervisors bear a special responsibility and obligation to ensure that they do not engage in or tolerate retaliation or reprisal in the workplace. Anyone who believes that he or she has been subjected to discrimination based on retaliation or reprisal, shall inform the top management directly.
Anyone who has harassed his/her co-worker or has participated in an act of harassment or encouraged such conduct by others, shall be subject to disciplinary action. For severe cases, a police report may be made. Company disciplinary actions includes written warning and or demotion for more serious transgressions.
To ensure proper closure of the harassment incident, the Company may take further actions (e.g. redeploy or relocate the harasser to avoid future conflicts; monitor the harasser after the incident so that he/she does not repeat the act and monitor the well-being of the affected person; positive interventions such as coaching and counselling for both harasser and the harassed). The Company shall also take appropriate interventions involving an external customer/stakeholder.